Holiday Safety

    Have a Safe and Happy Holidays

    This holiday season is unlike any other. But for the past year, safety professionals have proven that no challenge can slow us down or keep us apart. We’re here to support the everyday safety heroes who help us all carry on in these difficult times.

    At EHS Insight, we love sharing all the best safety tips, resources, and ideas to help your safety team improve. But as the holiday season comes knocking, we wanted to take a moment to share something even more important: gratitude.

    We know this has been an incredibly challenging year. The coronavirus pandemic arrived last year like a runaway train, and in the nearly two years since the first recorded case, the pandemic continues to plague our every step.

    And in the meantime, it has changed every individual aspect of our lives.

    This Season Looks Different

    This holiday season looks different than any season before.

    The pandemic, and new variants, changed the way we think about human interaction. The social impact has reverberated through every aspect of our lives, from public transportation to social gatherings to interacting with colleagues over the office coffee machine.

    For now, at least, the days of holiday office parties and big family gatherings are the stuff of memory. No tinsel around the office, no fancy outfits, no planning your crowd-pleasing party dish, no traveling with pets, no negotiating annual family drama. But on the other hand, no sweet spontaneous moments either, no cooking together, no in-person holiday traditions.

    Yet during this time, we have been consistently amazed and heartened by your response. We’ve also seen our customers go above and beyond for their workers.

    When government restrictions slowed down your workplace, you found ways to make it work. When returning to business as usual meant steep safety restrictions, you found safe ways to navigate reopening. When unprecedented challenges landed on your plate, you found new and creative ways to keep everyone together while keeping everyone safe for their families.

    This year, we were reminded that the real heroes are the ones who beat the odds in even the smallest ways, who adapt and overcome, who respond to every obstacle with creativity and heart. In 2021, our customers and readers, you, were the heroes who made this year possible.

    Our Commitment to Providing Safety Resources

    So as we enter a holiday season unlike any other, our holiday commitment to you remains the same: to provide the safety tools and resources that make your everyday heroism possible.

    We know these are difficult times. But we also know that with the right tools, you can overcome any safety challenge. That’s why our team will continue working hard to give you the safety tools you need to overcome.

    Whether that’s safety management software that helps you understand complex workplace scenarios or safety posts that guide you through challenges big and small, we’re here to support you. After all, if we’ve learned anything from 2021, it’s that coming together is the only way to overcome and that no distance is wide enough to keep us apart.

    Holiday Wishes From Our Family to Yours

    This year has brought us unprecedented challenges. But it’s also reminded us of what we can do in the face of those challenges. We look forward to serving our customers this holiday season and in 2022. More importantly, we look forward to learning from the talented people who make safety possible.

    From our family to yours, have a safe and healthy holiday season.

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