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    August 16, 2023

    Driving Safety: National Stop On Red Week

    In the modern world, much of our ability to get around involves motor vehicle transportation. Whether it’s commuting to and from a place of work or driving a vehicle for a living, Americans spend a lot of time on the road every year – and that means it’s all too common that workers can get into traffic accidents.

    One of the most dangerous aspects of traffic safety is the number of crashes caused by vehicles running red lights. Both drivers and pedestrians are hurt, injured, or even killed in red-light running incidents, and this makes driving safety a priority for everyone. It’s also why "Stop On Red" Week is so important. Here’s what you should know about this event.

    What Is Stop On Red Week?

    Stop On Red Week is a national campaign that is held each year to raise awareness of the importance of stopping at red lights. The week is sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA).

    The goal of Stop On Red Week is to reduce the number of red-light running crashes. Red-light running is a serious traffic violation that can cause serious injuries and death. In 2021, there were over 127,000 people injured in red-light running crashes in the United States, resulting in over 1,100 fatalities. During Stop On Red Week, law enforcement agencies across the country will be conducting enforcement campaigns to crack down on red-light running. Drivers are urged to obey the law and stop at red lights.

    Why is Red-Light Running So Dangerous?

    Red-light running is dangerous because it creates a high-risk situation for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. When a driver runs a red light, they are essentially gambling with the lives of others. Here are some of the dangers of red-light running:

    • T-bone crashes: T-bone crashes are the most common type of crashes involving red-light running. In a T-bone crash, one vehicle collides with the side of another vehicle that is crossing the intersection. T-bone crashes are often fatal because the impact is concentrated on one side of the vehicle.
    • Pedestrian and cyclist crashes: Red-light running is a leading cause of pedestrian and cyclist crashes. When a driver runs a red light, they may not see a pedestrian or cyclist crossing the intersection. Pedestrian and cyclist crashes can be fatal, even at low speeds.
    • Chain reaction crashes: Red-light running can also cause chain reaction crashes. This happens when one driver runs a red light and collides with another vehicle, which then collides with another vehicle, and so on. Chain reaction crashes can involve multiple vehicles and can be very dangerous.

    How to Prevent Red Light Running Crashes

    In addition to obeying the law, there are a number of things that drivers can do to help prevent red-light running crashes. These include:

    • Being aware of your surroundings: When approaching an intersection, be aware of the traffic on all sides. Make sure that it is safe to proceed through the intersection before you enter it.
    • Looking for pedestrians: Pedestrians often have the right of way, even if the light is green for you. Be sure to look for pedestrians before you enter an intersection.
    • Not getting distracted: Distractions such as cell phones, eating, and talking to passengers can all lead to red-light running crashes. Make sure to focus on your driving when you are behind the wheel.
    • Obeying the speed limit: Speeding can make it more difficult to stop at a red light. Obey the speed limit and leave yourself enough time to stop safely.
    • Being prepared to stop: Even if the light is yellow, be prepared to stop. If you are too close to the intersection to stop safely, it is better to go through the light than to run the red light.
    • Don’t assume that the other driver will stop: Just because the light is red for the other driver doesn’t mean that they will stop. Be prepared for the other driver to run the red light and be ready to take evasive action if necessary.

    By following these tips, drivers can help to prevent red-light running crashes and make the roads safer for everyone.

    Other Important Driving Safety Tips

    Red-light running is a major issue that we face today when it comes to driving safety. However, there are plenty of other things that you should be aware of while driving if you want to arrive safely to your destination. In addition to the tips shared above, here are some other critical driving safety tips that you need to keep in mind whenever you’re behind the wheel.

    • Always wear a seatbelt. Seatbelts are the single most effective way to prevent death and serious injury in a car crash.
    • Never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Alcohol and drugs impair your judgment and reflexes, making it more likely that you will be involved in a crash.
    • Don’t text and drive. Texting while driving is a major distraction that can lead to crashes. If you must text, pull over to a safe location before doing so.
    • Be patient. Don’t get angry or impatient with other drivers. Road rage can lead to aggressive driving and crashes.
    • Be aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to the traffic around you, including pedestrians, cyclists, and other vehicles.
    • Leave plenty of space between you and the car in front of you. This will give you time to stop safely if the car in front of you stops suddenly.
    • Be prepared for the unexpected. Things happen on the road that you can’t always predict. Be prepared to react quickly if necessary.

    The Last Word on Stop on Red Week

    Stop On Red Week is a great opportunity to focus on traffic safety and to make the roads safer for everyone. By following the tips above, you can help to prevent red-light running crashes and other types of traffic accidents.