Memorial Day can be a wonderful time to spend with family, friends, and even pets. We enjoy the warm weather, we gather with our local communities, we enjoy parades and air shows, and we honor those who have died defending our country. However, while festivities are fun, there are few important safety tips to remember.
Stay close together in crowded areas
Memorial Day features many events that involve tons of people. Picnics, fireworks, parades - they're all fantastic! However, be wary, and don't let your children stray too far.
Use caution with fireworks
Always keep a distance from a fireworks show. Fireworks can be incredibly unpredictable and dangerous, harming those around them sometimes irreparably. If a firework is lit incorrectly or is crafted wrong, things can go awry quickly.
Use the buddy system
Buddies are a great way to keep track of active children and adults alike. Choose an adult "buddy" to have an additional set of eyes on your children and other family members.

Bring earplugs
Loud noises like live music, fireworks, or jet planes can be damaging to childrens' ears. Make sure to bring sets of earplugs to protect those precious inner ears.
Wear plenty of sunscreen
The sun is strong this time of year. Make sure to put an extra layer to protect you and your children from harmful UV rays.
Have fun
Memorial Day is a perfect vacation day to enjoy the sunshine, the family, and the community. Thank your veterans, and appreciate this wonderful country. While these safety tips may seem a bit overcautious, they're just to ensure that you ultimately do what is most important: have fun!