Workplace Health and Safety

    Safe Workplace Tips for Holiday Parties

    Check out these workplace safety tips for holiday parties.

    Having a holiday party at work can be the perfect motivator to keep your team engaged through New Year’s Day. However, it’s all too easy for safety to take the backseat in a fun, festive atmosphere.

    Help your team enjoy celebrating safely with these five holiday party safety tips.

    #1 – Avoid Fake Snow

    Fake snow adds a beautiful touch to holiday decor, but did you know that most fake snow is made of polyethylene? This highly flammable material can easily catch on fire and incinerate your holiday party. If you do choose to use it for decorating, avoid having candles and other open flames on site.

    #2 – Drink Responsibly

    Not only is drinking and driving illegal, any alcohol-related accident could come back to haunt you. Even a single glass of wine may make a worker more likely to trip, fall, or become injured, regardless if they get behind the wheel.

    #3 – Secure All Cords

    Twinkling lights are enough to get anyone in the holiday spirit, provided no one trips over the cords. If you have to run cords on the floor, make sure you secure them with tape or other covering to prevent trips, or place them away from walking areas to avert potential risk.

    #4 – Serve Pre-Packaged Food

    It doesn’t sound as glamorous, but serving pre-packaged food instead of a potluck or catered meal can help avoid foodborne illnesses. Prepared food that’s been sitting out too long can be a breeding ground for bacteria, which may cause your workers to become ill. Also, no one can guarantee the safety of food made by workers at home. Your safest bet is to opt for pre-made food that won’t spoil easily.

    #5 – Make Attendance Optional

    Workers who may be feeling a bit under the weather may feel obligated to make an appearance at the party if he or she believes they have no other choice. If they were to pass their sickness on to someone else, you could be looking at lost time and other potential fallouts. Make sure your team understands they’re not required to attend the party. You could even insist that those who are feeling ill should stay home for the safety of themselves and others.

    Keep in mind that your company is still responsible for employees’ well-being, even if you’re hosting an off-site party. Keeping them safe can ensure everyone is able to enjoy themselves.

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