Release Notes

    EHS Insight 19.3 Release Notes

    This EHS Insight release includes enhancements to the safety audit and inspections report, offline sync improvements for slow network connections, report designer updates and a new silica safety course.

    We're pleased to present EHS Insight 19.3

    New Features

    Audit and Inspections Reports: Enhanced Filtering 

    • Audit and Inspection reports have been updated to support reporting across Question Set Versions, Question Sets, and Categories

    • Users can now select multiple Question Sets at a time when filtering, or even (multiple) specific versions of each question set

    • Note: Customers that have customized or cloned the default reports will not receive this update to their customized reports without reverting and re-adding their customizations or contacting support for assistance

    Audit Question Set

    Offline Sync Enhanced for Slow Network Connections

    • When on a slow or unreliable connection, the Android, Apple, and Windows clients will no longer error when the connection is interrupted during an Offline Sync

    • While retrying, this is indicated by the progress bar turning yellow and a message is shown

    Offline Sync

    Report Designer Support to Hide Reports Based on Roles 

    • Users can now decide which roles are able to see certain reports on the Reports page
    • For example, the “OSHA 300” report could be made available only to users who are in the Classify or Administrator role for Incident Events

    • Users can change visibility using the Report Designer and report visibility can also be controlled by user defined roles

    New Silica Safety Course

    • The Online Training Course Silica Safety in Industrial and Construction Environments has been added to the Marcom package

    • This will become available to users who already purchased the Marcom Training Requirements option

    Silica Safety 


    We're Here to Help

    With updates as often as every two weeks, we're here to make sure you have the best experience using EHS Insight. Take this latest version for a spin and reach out to our support team if you have any questions, comments, or new feature suggestions. We're at  

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