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    August 24, 2016

    Top 5 Environmental Health and Safety Blogs to Follow

    In the past couple of years, a few interesting and helpful EHS blogs have risen above the rest. They've improved the content they offer by making their articles engaging and relevant, and by posting with regularity. And if you've been following safety blogs for a while, you'll know that hasn't always been the case, historically speaking! Whether you're concerned about EHS issues or you're simply looking for new ways to develop your corporate sustainability initiatives, the following blogs are must-reads. Be sure to check them out.

    OSHA's Website

    If you only have time to read one or two EHS blogs, make one of them OSHA. Why? Because it's always good to know what your regulating authority is up to.

    Although technically not a blog, the site features articles on recent big-time OHSA violators, plus you'll stay informed on OHSA news. You'll also be able to keep tabs on what's in the pipeline as far as new regulations go. Plus, the site provides an alarming scrolling marquis of dates and causes of death of the most recent fatalities across the nation.

    The American Society of Safety Engineers

    The ASSE produces and disseminates publications for the EHS world, so their blog is chock full of original content and data-driven ideas. The articles quite often include original and unique perspectives. Their annual Work, Stress, & Health conference is an important hub of activity for professionals in the EHS field, which is another reason to follow their blog.

    EHS Today

    The EHS OutLoud blog has more of a magazine feel to its blog, because that's really what they are: a magazine. With a dedicated publication staff who write regular columns ("Sincerely Stefanie"), you can look forward to deeper insight and lots of personality in everything you read. Plus, with regional offices all over the country, they do a good job of covering more topics and with greater depth than you'll find in most safety blogs.

    Industrial Safety & Hygiene News

    If you appreciate fresh voices and a new perspective, check out how they handle things across the pond in the UK. The SHP Online blog offers fascinating posts on everything from sustainability to safety and even corporate social responsibility. Published by the Institute for Occupational Safety & Health, it's an extremely reputable blog, to boot.

    You'll find news of dramatic industry-specific accidents as well as coverage of major current events and how they relate to the EHS industry. An example of a recent headline Graham: the new, misshapen face of road safety in Australia. Gotta find out what that's all about!

    EHS Insight

    EHS Insight runs a blog that's updated frequently and covers a really broad range of topics. You can count on fascinating blog posts that cover all the major aspects of EHS, compliance, regulatory and sustainability issues. It's aimed at a diverse audience, so you'll gain a broader perspective by checking out the blog from time to time. The blog covers everything from sustainability to workplace safety, too, and often the context is set in current events. For example, a recent post covered the Olympics, regulations and safety.