Hess Corporation, a global exploration and production (E&P) company, published its 2016 Sustainability Report.
Hess' key health and safety developments in 2016, per the report:
- Launched enterprisewide assessments of both our process safety management systems and the mechanical integrity of our equipment
- Improved our employee total recordable incident rate by 58 percent
- Achieved a four-year low in the number of Tier 1 and Tier 2 process safety events
- Strengthened our process for managing contractors through ongoing implementation of our Contractor Management Standard
For 2017, Hess plans to improve its health and safety program with the following goals in place:
- Continue to make improvements in our process safety management system and process safety standards, and complete asset integrity assessments for all Hess-operated production locations
- Meet a workforce total recordable incident rate target of 0.34 or below
- Meet a severe safety incident rate target of 0.15 or below
- Begin the implementation of an enterprisewide tiered environment, health and safety assurance program

Charts retrieved from Hess

Click here for the full report.